PreSettlement Loans with no Fees and No Compound Interest. Just 15% of what you borrow for every six months. That’s it. Nobody comes close to this offer. Begin the Lawsuit Loan process by filling out an online Application on this website, you can call us at (212) 349 2844 or you may e mail us at [email protected]
Pre Settlement Loans:
If you are injured in an accident and have trouble paying your bills you need Pre Settlement Funding. What is PreSettlement Funding? Basically, a Pre Settlement Loans company gives you money now in exchange for the lawsuit loan back and some interest. Redwood Funding Group gives PreSettlement Loans so that you can pay those bills and pursue your litigation. This article will explain both about Pre Settlement loans and why you should consider Redwood Funding Group as your lender.
Why I need a PreSettlement Loan:
In addition to needing a lawsuit loan to pay your bills another reason is to level the playing filed against the insurance company. Whomever is responsible for your injuries 99% of the time they have insurance. These insurance companies will both hire the lawyer against you and pay your settlement, if you win or settle.
Insurance companies are mostly worth billions of dollars. They will use this money to fight your lawsuit until the ends of the earth. They will instruct their lawyers to delay and delay your case. Why? because they know that you are under pressure. Pressure to pay your bills and to recover and maybe go back to work. They know this and use it against you. The insurance companies are not your friends. They are the enemy for the purpose of this litigation
You need a Lawsuit Loan to level the playing field. Money from a PreSettlement Loan company will give you a cushion to pay your bills, fight your case and go for the touchdown, not the field goal. Don’t let the insurance companies “make†you take penny on the dollar.
How to Qualify for a Lawsuit Loan:
If you are the victim of an accident and have a lawyer you may qualify for a PreSettlement Loan. After you submit an application the lawsuit loan company will review your case with your lawyer. If you have a good case the funding company will send you a contract. When you give the contract back the Pre Settlement Loan company will send you your money.
How Does One Choose Among PreSettlement Loan Cos?:
Very carefully. There are many Lawsuit Loan companies out there. You have to be able to find the needle in the haystack.
The most common way these companies lure clients is with slick, high Google ranking websites. These Pre Settlement Loan companies will advertise that their interest rates are 3% or maybe 4%. If this was the annual interest rate. However, what you will never see on the website is that these low interest rates are almost always monthly compounded. Monthly compounded interest goes up every month and is based upon the previous months principal and interest. 3% monthly compounded interest is about 70% a year. You will never see that on the website.
Why Redwood Funding?:
Simple. Redwood Funding Group does not have compound interest. It doesn’t have monthly anything. It has one fixed interest rate and it is right there on the website: 15% of the original principal for every six months that you have our money. That is all you are going to pay. For example, if you borrow $1,000 all you will ever pay is $150 for every six months that you have our money.
Lawsuit Loan Buyer Beware:
Have you ever gone into a store to but a pack of gum. You only pay for the pack of gum correct? You are not also charged a processing fee to buy the pack of gum, right? However, when you take out a PreSettlement Loan from most of these other companies they will charge you a fee. This might be called a processing, application or underwriting fee. They might even charge an ongoing management or closing fee. Are they for real? Yes. Furthermore, they will add this fee and make you responsible for interest on the principal plus the fee, which can be hundreds of dollars.
When choosing a Lawsuit Loan company you must ask whether, in addition to the type of interest, do they charge a fee in any form.
Redwood Funding Group never charges a fee in any form. Never.
Wires, Fed Ex & Mail:
If you have ever sent a bank wire you know it costs about $30. Furthermore, if you have ever sent an over night Federal Express envelope you know that it costs about $30. If you ask most of these other Lawsuit Loan companies what they charge for the same service they will say about $50 to $150.
Redwood Funding Group will only charge you whatever we are charged for the service. Around $30.
If you are an accident victim and have trouble paying your bills then you might need a Pre Settlement Loan. However, before diving in and signing any contract you want to know if they charge fixed or compound interest. Also, you need to ask if they charge a fee in any form. Lastly, you want to know what they charge to send you your money. Once you know the answers to these questions then you will be ready to choose your Pre Settlement Loan company.
Fast, Cheap cash for lawsuits funding. Why go anywhere else?
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